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How to draw a magician hat. Photoshop Tutorial

Hello. Today I am going to show you a Photoshop tutorial about  how to draw a magician hat like the one shown in the picture below

Create a new  500px * 500px Photoshop document by pressing CTRL+N, or by going to File>>NEW.
Select the gradient tool. Set it as shown below:

Holding down the shift key, drag your gradient tool from bottom to the top.

Create new layer.Name it Hat.
Now grab the Pen Tool, create a similar like the object below, right click on the path->> make selection>> click ok, and you should have a selection shaped as your previous path.
Grab the Bucket Paint Tool, and with your foregroung color set to #1a140d, fill in the selection.

Following the same steps, you will draw the ribbon:
Create new layer.Name it Ribbon.
Now grab the Pen Tool, create a similar like the object below, right click on the path->> make selection>> click ok, and you should have a selection shaped as your previous path.
Grab the Bucket Paint Tool, and with your foregroung color set to #87898b, fill in the selection.
Great. You should now have something like this:

Now, to create that roundness effect, we must create some shadows and highlights.
So grab the Dodge Tool. Set it like this:
Brush: 90px soft round ; Range: Highlights; Exposure: 75%. And dodge the areas highlighted in the picture below.

Now grab the Burn Tool, and set it to: Brush: 70px soft round ; Range: Midtones; Exposure: 73%.
Burn the area shown in the picture above.
Is starting to look a little better right?:)

Now let’s do the same thing with our hat!
First we are going to focus on the lower part.
Select  the Hat layer.

Just as shown, using the same settings for your Dodge Tool, continue with the highlights on your ribbon, but now dodge the Hat layer. Use the dodge tool to make the hat as shinier as you wish.
More dodge = Shinier.
Now let’s move to the other half:

First thing to do is define the width of our hat.

So create a path, using your Pen Tool, as shown in the picture:

Select the Dodge Tool, and set the brush size to 3px hard round. Select again the Pen Tool.
Right Click on your path >> Stroke >> Choose Dodge from the drop down list.
Select the Dodge Tool again, select a soft round brush, 60 px, and dodge the area continuing the highlights on the ribbon, just as we did with the lower part earlier.
Check out the printscreen:
This is what you should have right now on your canvas.

Next things to do: using the pen tool, create a shape similar to the red one:

Right-click on the path, make selection.
Create new layer and name it whatever  you want. I’ll refer to it as the inner  layer.
Fill in the selection with #1a140d.
You will now have to use Dodge and Burn again to create the shadows/highlights, just as we did with previous layers:

Once you did this, select the Hat layer again.
Duble-click on its thumbnail to bring the Blending Options window on.
Apply these settings:

And you’re done:).
Hope you have enjoyed my Magician Hat Photoshop Tutorial as much as I did.
Have fun reading it!
Next time I will show you how to add more effects, and how to make it look MAGIC! Follow me on twitter and follow my tweets to find out when will that event occur:)!

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