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Clean and nice text effect . Photoshop Tutorial

Hi. After reading this tutorial you will know how to create a beautiful and clean text effect in only a few steps.
This is the result:

1.       Create a new Photoshop document ; (500px * 500 px)
2.       Grab the Text Tool and write down something ;(MyWebsite.Com ~ Arial Rounded ~ 60pt )
3.       Open Blending Options Panel and use the following settings:
a)      Gradient - #03495d ~ #47b4d4;
b)      Stroke – Outside ~ 6px ~ #FFFFFF ;
c)       Drop Shadow : Multiply ; Opacity ~ 75%; Angle:120 ; Distance :6; Spread:27; Size:13.

And Yes we are doneJ. Very simple and quite useful effect.
Again this is the result:

Don’t forget to share it ! Hope this was useful.
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