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The easiest way to create wooden texture

Hey folks. In today’s tutorial you will learn the easiest way to create your own wooden texture:

Step 1. Create a new Photoshop  document.(500px * 500px);
Step 2. Set your Foreground  Color to #623e00 and the Background Color  to #000000.
Step 3. Grab the Bucket Tool and fill your document with #623e00.
Step 4. Goto: Filter -> Render -> Fibers:

Step 5. Grab the Smudge Tool and smudge the fibers until you are happy with the effectJ
Aaand your done! Hope this was useful and..thanks for reading my blog.
Don’t forget to stay in touch by following me on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook!

Fresh Light Blue Website Layout

Hi. In this tutorial I will show you how to create a light blue-ish layout.

Create a new Photoshop document (Mine is 1024 x 728px).
Fill it in with #e8ebed.

Create New Layer.
Grab the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle as shown. The color is not important as we will be applying a gradient to the next step:

Apply the gradient using the following settings:

Let’s create the vertical menu now which is :

>Create New Layer!
>Grab the Line Tool (U) – set it to 2 px weight.
>Set the Foreground Color to #005697.
>Holding the Shift Key down – to draw a straight line, drag your coursor from left to right.
>Duplicate the layer.Change its color to #9d9d9d.

Changing one layer’s color can be done either by opening the Blending Options Panel and checking “Color Overlay” , afterwards selecting the wanted color, either holding down the CTRL key while left clicking on the layer’s thumbnail (to load its selection) , and colouring the selection using the Paint Bucket Tool (G).

>Place the 2nd layer below the 1st one and move it a bit lower,under the 1st one.
>Duplicate the layers 4 times more and place them as shown in the picture:

Using the Type Tool add some text:

Draw little squares and place them in front of every line of text as shown.

Add social media buttons:

You can download them  here

To learn how to get that nice reflection effect check out on this tutorial !

Now add a nice picture and change its Blending Mode to Screen;

create a nice reflection for this picture aswell, and add some text on a white background (50% Opacity):

 Will create now the upper part of our layout:

Create a new layer as shown:

--------------------------------THIS GOES ABOVE THE BANNER CREATED PREVIOUSLY----------------------------------

Open the Blending Options Panel and add a gradient using the following settings:

Create a new layer.Grab the Rectangle Tool and, with the Foregound Color set to #2e89cf, create a rectangle :

Rotate it to 45o and lower its Opacity to 50%. Now duplicate the layer several times and place them as shown:

Select the Type Tool and create the logo – add some reflection !
Let’s create the Search Form !
Create a new layer. Grab the Rounded Rectangle Tool , set the radius to 20 px and draw a rounded rectangle using #ededed as foreground color.
Lower its opacity to 80%.

Create a new layer. Create a new rectangle and fill it in with #ededed. Apply a 1 px Stroke using a dark grey as color:

Next to it create an other rectangle (into an other layer) and, besides Stroke, apply a slight Gradient too -  bright grey to white :

Add some text and we’re done with the upper part:

To create the “London Weather” section, we need first to create a new rectangle, in a new layer.  Apply the same style as the Search button – Stroke & Gradient.

Now draw a banner and use for it the same gradient as used for the main blue banner .Add some text and some pictures with clouds and you are done:

For the remaining of the layout, I have inserted several pictures and some text. For any questions you might have about “How to?” post a comm..
That’s itJ!
Don’t forget to stay in touch by following me on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook!

Thanks for reading my blog!!

Clean and nice text effect . Photoshop Tutorial

Hi. After reading this tutorial you will know how to create a beautiful and clean text effect in only a few steps.
This is the result:

1.       Create a new Photoshop document ; (500px * 500 px)
2.       Grab the Text Tool and write down something ;(MyWebsite.Com ~ Arial Rounded ~ 60pt )
3.       Open Blending Options Panel and use the following settings:
a)      Gradient - #03495d ~ #47b4d4;
b)      Stroke – Outside ~ 6px ~ #FFFFFF ;
c)       Drop Shadow : Multiply ; Opacity ~ 75%; Angle:120 ; Distance :6; Spread:27; Size:13.

And Yes we are doneJ. Very simple and quite useful effect.
Again this is the result:

Don’t forget to share it ! Hope this was useful.
Follow me on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook to remain connected and to find out when more tutorials will be published.
Thanks for reading my blog.


How To Create a Perfect Reflection Using Photoshop

Hello folks. Today I am going to show you how to create a perfect reflection effect using Photoshop.

Create a new 1000 x 1000px Photoshop file.
Grab the Text Tool (T) and type whatever you want in your canvas. The font used in my example is Arabic Typesetting + 302px + Strong.
Optional !
Open  the Blending Options Panel and apply a gradient to your text. Check out the settings below:

Now duplicate the layer and name it Reflection. Ctrl T to bring Free Transform option on!
Type “– 100” in the Height field in order to turn your layer upside down:

Grab the Move Tool(V)  and move your layer below the first one as shown:

If you have also used a gradient, open up the Blending Options Panel and check “Reverse” .
Next step: add vector mask to your “Reflection” layer. How do we do that? Very simple!
Click on the “Add vector mask” button :

Grab the gradient  tool –  it has to be set for black & white.
Holding  down the “Shift” key, drag your cursor from bottom to top over your layer. Now lower layer’s opacity to 50% and you re done J
My result :

That’s it!
Hope this was useful. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and/or become  fan on Facebook to find out when more tutorials are being published.
Thanks for reading my blog!!
xx Ela

Beautiful Clean Online Store Layout. Part IV.

You can read all the tutorial! Check out the parts A,B,C,D! ENJOY!

Clean beautiful online store layout. Part D

Clean beautiful online store layout. Part C

Clean beautiful online store layout. Part B

Clean beautiful online store layout. Part A

Hello my friends. In this tutorial I will show you how to finish that beautiful clean online store layout, started a few weeks ago. I apologise for the delay but I’ve been working on some other..stuffJ
So,..this is the final version :

So far we have created

And now..the final partJ
Let s get started!
So open your Photoshop file.
First part to be created will be the upper part:

Pick up the Text Tool.
Set the foreground color to # a31313, and the Text Tool to Arial, Regular, 18px, Strong
and write Prom Fashion.
Next raw of text : Arial / Regular / 14px / Strong / # 9f9f9f.
Open a picture and place it right below the text : the Text Tool againJ and add the following, right below your picture:
10$ ONLY using the following settings:
ARIAL / BLACK/38px/Strong/# fe6600.
Below this text create a # 6da92c rectangle, and over it place “Shop Now > > ” using the next settings for the Text Tool:
Arial/Regular/18px/Strong/# 9e0d0f.
Repeat the steps above until you achieve something like this:

To create the right upper part which is :

follow the same steps, and add on top of the text&picture a ##ff600 rectangular, and place over it a suggestive title – as WOW DEALS – using ARIAL/BLACK/38px/Strong/# 6da92c as settings for the Text Tool.
To create the bottom part which is :

you will need a nice butterfly brush. You can get them for free at – there are plenty of them - .
So create a white rectangle, and add a 3 px # Outside Stroke, in the Blending Option Panel.
Next thing to do is to grab your butterfly brush, set the foreground color to # 3698a9, and gently aply it on your new created rectangle as shown:

Tip If you want to obtain that nice fading effect too, then grab a soft rounded brush for your eraser, set the opacity to 12%, and gently start erasing areas of your butterfly!
Grab the Text Tool again and write down some suggestive title using the following settings:
Arial/Regular/24px/Strong/# 67a028.

Now grab the Rectangle Tool(U), and draw a nice little rectangle.
The color doesn’t matter because we will apply immediately some settings to it:

And a 3px inside Stroke using # 538a19.
The result:

Now over this lastly created glossy button, place a “SHOP NOW” text, using ARIAL/BLACK.
Insert a picture on the right side of your glossy button.
Set the Foreground Color to #ff600, and pick up the Seal Custom Shape Tool (U).
Draw a seal over the  bottom-left corner of your picture, and add some text over it too.
The result:

Again, if you haven’t read the previous tutorials yet, you can find them HERE (Part A), HERE (Part B) and HERE (Part C ), or of course on the main vertical menu in left top corner of my blog.
Don’t forget to follow on Twitter or/and Facebook to stay connectedJ!
Ok guys that is all...Thx for reading my blog.